In addition to the remediation-free standards established by the Ohio Department of Education, Kent State's Department of Mathematical Sciences accepts the following for students in a program that does not require higher levels of mathematics (i.e., non-algebra track):

  • Students with a 3.00 overall high school GPA or higher may take MATH 10040 or MATH 10050, regardless of their score on assessments mentioned in the standards listed above.
  • Student with a 3.50 overall high school GPA or higher may take MATH 10041 or MATH 10051 regardless of their score on assessments mentioned in the standards listed above.

All undergraduate degree programs require the successful completion of the Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning requirement. Some programs may require specific mathematics course(s). Placement into mathematics courses is determined by a student’s score on the ALEKS placement assessment and/or the ACT or SAT score or scores on the other listed assessments. Not all students need to take the ALEKS mathematics placement assessment, and students should check their "My Lists" checklist in FlashLine for that determination. However, all students scoring below 22 on ACT mathematics or below 530 on SAT mathematics or below the threshold in the other listed assessments need to take the ALEKS placement assessment.

Students may improve their initial placement score by working in an individualized learning module on ALEKS, then retaking the ALEKS mathematics placement assessment. They have free access to their learning modules and reassessment for one year from their initial assessment. Students who score 80 percent mastery in the learning modules have an excellent chance of improving their placement through a proctored reassessment.

Students deemed remediation-free in mathematics , as described in the table above, or with an overall 3.5 high school GPA or higher, may register for one of the following courses, as required by their major:

Remediation-free students who want to register for a course other than the ones listed above may take the ALEKS mathematics placement assessment.

Students who are not deemed remediation-free in mathematics, as described in the table above, must take the ALEKS mathematics placement assessment to determine the course they should take as required by their major.

Additional information regarding placement after taking the ALEKS assessment may be found on the Department of Mathematical Sciences website.