The Office of Continuing Education, in cooperation with academic departments, offers a variety of for-credit workshops. These workshops are especially designed to meet identified needs of various professions. Each workshop is set up to recognize the needs of the audience in terms of time, place, format and content.

A student holding a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and who has been accepted by a workshop director for a specified workshop, institute or other special program offering graduate credit may be admitted as a special non-degree workshop student for the term of the workshop only. Prerequisites for admission are set by the instructional department. The temporary admission is valid for only one workshop consisting of a maximum of 12 credit hours. Students desiring to take other non-workshop graduate courses concurrently with the workshop or to do graduate work beyond the length of the workshop term must apply for admission to the appropriate college or school under regular procedures. A student may reapply for subsequent workshop participation under workshop admission regulations.

A maximum of 4 credit hours earned in graduate workshops may be applied to a graduate degree program. All workshops are graded S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory). Some departments may be more restrictive. Students are advised to consult their departments regarding application of workshop credit toward degree requirements.