College of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Modern and Classical Language Studies
About This Program
The Master of Arts in Latin program allows you to explore the rich history and culture of the Latin language. With a focus on literature, linguistics and cultural studies, you will gain a deep understanding of the language and its impact on the world today. Read more...
Contact Information
Program Delivery
- Delivery:
- Fully online (Literature concentration only)
- Mostly online
- Location:
- Kent Campus (Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy concentration only - hybrid online/on-ground)
Applications to the M.A. in Latin are not being accepted starting with the spring 2025 admission term.
Examples of Possible Careers and Salaries*
- 12.6% much faster than the average
- 14,500 number of jobs
- $56,990 potential earnings
- 4.0% about as fast as the average
- 243,900 number of jobs
- $51,940 potential earnings
- 12.6% much faster than the average
- 14,500 number of jobs
- $56,990 potential earnings
Foreign language and literature teachers, postsecondary
- 5.7% faster than the average
- 30,600 number of jobs
- $69,920 potential earnings
Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education
- 3.8% about as fast as the average
- 1,050,800 number of jobs
- $62,870 potential earnings
Additional Careers
- Attorney
- Entrepreneur
- Judicial
- Politician
- Translator
* Source of occupation titles and labor data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook. Data comprises projected percent change in employment over the next 10 years; nation-wide employment numbers; and the yearly median wage at which half of the workers in the occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less.
For more information about graduate admissions, visit the graduate admission website. For more information on international admissions, visit the international admission website.
Admission Requirements
Applications to the M.A. in Latin are not being accepted starting with the spring 2025 admission term.
- Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university
- Minimum 2.750 undergraduate GPA on a 4.000-point scale
- Official transcript(s)
- Goal statement
- Research paper or essay in English (5-10 pages), which should be accompanied by a signed declaration that the sample is original work and that the applicant received no help in its preparation
- Three letters of recommendation
- English language proficiency - all international students must provide proof of English language proficiency (unless they meet specific exceptions to waive) by earning one of the following:1
- Minimum 79 TOEFL iBT score
- Minimum 6.5 IELTS score
- Minimum 58 PTE score
- Minimum 110 DET score
Application Deadlines
- Fall Semester
- Priority deadline: January 1
Applications submitted by this deadline will receive the strongest consideration for admission.
- Spring Semester
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy concentration will be able to:
- Demonstrate skills in the analysis of Latin literature.
- Read Latin proficiently and demonstrate general knowledge of the literature, history and culture of Roman civilization.
- Demonstrate theoretical knowledge of second language acquisition and linguistics.
- Demonstrate theoretical knowledge and applied skills in the teaching and assessment of outcomes for second language learners.
Graduates of the Literature concentration will be able to:
- Demonstrate skills in Latin composition, Latin comprehension, the analysis of Latin literature and understanding of the Roman cultural context within which Latin literature was produced.
- Read Latin proficiently and demonstrate general knowledge of the literature, history and culture of Roman civilization.
- Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between ancient and modern cultural values, recognize historical biases and use primary source materials to better understand the culture of ancient Rome.
Full Description
The Master of Arts degree in Latin provides advanced coursework in Latin literature and the history and culture of the Roman civilization.
The Latin major comprises the following concentrations:
- The Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy concentration is designed for students already certified to teach Latin and classics in elementary and secondary schools and who wish to increase their language proficiency and effectiveness as teachers.
- The Literature concentration is designed for those who anticipate continuing their studies beyond the master's degree level, who plan to teach Latin and classics at the college or post-secondary level, and who wish to pursue scholarly research in classical studies.