Physiology and physical assessment are coordinated to allow students to integrate the underlying physiologic processes with physical diagnostic findings. Physiologic is a study of the basic concepts of normal organ and organ system function. Emphasis is placed on regulatory functions of each organ or system as well as the contribution of each to the whole body homeostasis. Physical diagnosis combines the patient’s symptoms and signs to arrive at a diagnosis of disease. Focus is on total body examination using the traditional processes of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Laboratory, Lecture

Contact Hours: .73 lecture, 2.27 lab

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


This is an elective course designed to integrate physical assessment in preparation for training in the internal medicine specialties. This course prepares podiatric medical students to better evaluate patient concerns by symptom, utilize and improve their physical diagnostic skills, and optimize preparation for clinical training experiences in the internal medicine specialties. The course emphasizes concepts and integrates knowledge from traditional science disciplines in the context of clinical application.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

GMD 80216     SECOND YEAR MEDICINE I      4 Credit Hours

Course will provide students a background in general medicine, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, metabolic, hematologic, gastrointestinal, rheumatologic, immunologic and infectious diseases. The information gained by the student will enable the podiatric student to be better prepared for Parts I - III boards, a vital participant in their third- and fourth-year medicine rotations and prepare the student for success in their residency.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 4 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

GMD 80217     SECOND YEAR MEDICINE II      4 Credit Hours

Course will provide students with a background in general medicine, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, metabolic, hematologic, gastrointestinal, rheumatologic, immunologic, and infectious diseases. The information gained by the student will enable the podiatric student to be better prepared for Parts I - III boards, a vital participant in their third- and fourth-year medicine rotations and prepare the student for success in their residency.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 4 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

GMD 80314     NEUROLOGY      2 Credit Hours

A comprehensive study of neurological diseases that are pertinent to treatment of the podiatric patient. Includes etiologies, diagnosis and treatment of the neurologic diseases.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 2 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

GMD 80315     DERMATOLOGY      2 Credit Hours

Series of lectures on dermatologic manifestations of systemic diseases. Includes the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and management of dermatologic disorders.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 2 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

GMD 80327     BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE      1 Credit Hour

Behavioral medicine is a series of lectures on major topics in the area including mood and anxiety disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse, psychoses and pain management. The presentations relate the relevance to the practice of podiatry.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

GMD 80328     WOMEN'S HEALTH      1 Credit Hour

Seminar covering important areas unique to women including pregnancy, contraception, infertility, cardiovascular health, osteoporosis and menopause.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory