PMD 80113     MEDICAL ETHICS      1 Credit Hour

The focus of the medical ethics curriculum is to provide a foundation in ethical analysis, augment knowledge of contemporary bioethics issues, and offer experience applying ethical reasoning to clinical cases. The goal of this course is to promote discussion of the ethical responsibilities of a doctor to their patients.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


It is important for a podiatric physician to have developed the ability to read and interpret the medical literature. This requires a fundamental understanding of biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design. This course provides a framework for the development of an evidence-based methodology to patient care.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


The subject matter is relevant but nontraditional in nature with respect to classic medical education. Some of the topics covered are sometimes considered “soft topics” covering a wide range of subjects that podiatric medical students encounter in their personal, academic and professional careers. Students will participate in discussions and projects on ethics, socio-behavior and issues, and practice related topics such as professionalism, communication, empathy, and time and financial management. Other topics related to the National Board Examinations, personal health, and team-based healthcare system will also be covered. Ultimately, students will develop a more unique level understanding and appreciation of the above referenced themes as they advance their learning. An emphasis on academic and personal wellness in the first year of podiatric medical school is the focus of this course.

Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program in order to register for this course.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory


A comprehensive approach to physical examination, which combines the patient’s symptoms and the physical signs to arrive at a diagnosis of disease. It is accomplished by training students in the methods of history taking and physical examination. The course focuses on lower extremity examination. The traditional processes of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation are emphasized.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Combined Lecture and Lab

Contact Hours: 1 lecture, 2 lab

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


Podiatric physicians are fully licensed to order, perform and interpret radiologic studies of the foot and ankle. As operators of ionizing x-ray equipment, all practitioners must undergo basic training in x-ray physics, image control and quality assurance, safety and patient positioning. These four building blocks comprise the foundation of this course in fundamentals.

Prerequisite: Student must be enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

PMD 80222     PODIATRIC MEDICAL SKILLS      2 Credit Hours

Podiatric Medical Skills is a practical course, which includes strapping and padding, instrument dexterity, local anesthetic injection, nail avulsion technique, blood glucose finger stick, handheld Doppler exam, fitting for diabetic shoes, arthrometric examination and casting for orthoses. Students are taught the indications and proper application of adhesive bandages and splints for the prevention of injury, control of foot function and treatment of injuries to the foot and lower extremity. Padding is the treatment of foot pathology by redistribution of weight, stress and friction. Students are taught how to relieve acute and chronic pathologies of the foot through the use of various padding materials, or prefabricated pads. Students also gain an understanding of the theory of pad placement. Students are taught the proper techniques for performing toenail avulsions, blood glucose finger sticks, and using the handheld Doppler. Students are taught the proper methods of fitting for diabetic shoes, performing a foot and ankle arthrometric examination and casting methods for foot orthoses.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Laboratory

Contact Hours: 2 lab

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory


The subject matter is functionally relevant but nontraditional in nature with respect to classic medical education. Topics cover a wide range of subjects that podiatric medical students encounter in their academic and professional careers. Students will participate in discussions and projects on ethics, socio-behavior, and practice related topics such as professionalism, communication, and time and financial management. Other topics related to personal health and the changing healthcare system will also be covered. Ultimately, students will develop a more unique level understanding and appreciation of the above referenced themes as they advance their learning. The content will be relevant to the third year podiatric medical school student.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

PMD 80318     PEDIATRICS      2 Credit Hours

Pediatrics is a comprehensive course, which introduces general pediatric pathologic processes, pediatric H&P, and emphasizes the incidence, etiology, pathomechanics, evaluation and treatment of common lower extremity pathology in children.

Prerequisite: This course has prerequisites of successful completion of all 1st and 2nd year curriculum in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 2 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

PMD 80396     INDEPENDENT STUDY      5 Credit Hours

Independent study in Podiatric Medicine.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Individual Investigation

Contact Hours: 5 other

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory


The subject matter is functionally relevant but nontraditional in nature with respect to classic medical education. Topics cover a wide range of subjects that podiatric medical students encounter in their academic and professional careers. Students will practice self-directed learning while preparing for graduation. There will be discussions and projects in various areas such as ethics, social behavior, as well as practice related topics such as professionalism, communication, business, and courtroom law/malpractice. Other topics related to personal health and the changing healthcare system will also be covered. Ultimately, students will develop a more unique level understanding and appreciation of the above referenced themes as they finalize their DPM degree program. The content will be relevant to the fourth year podiatric medical school student.

Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Podiatric Medicine program in order to register for this course.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 4 lecture

Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

PMD 80495     ST PODIATRIC GEN MED      1-4 Credit Hours

(Repeatable for maximum 8 credit hours) The special topics course is to sample new offerings on various topics.

Prerequisite: Enrolled in the college of podiatric medicine.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1-4 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter