MKTG 25010     PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

(Equivalent to BMRT 21050) An overview of the processes, activities and problems associated with the conception, planning and execution of the pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange values in the market.

Prerequisite: ECON 22060.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Attributes: TAG Business

MKTG 35030     MARKETING APPLICATIONS      3 Credit Hours

Students learn and apply strategic and financial analysis skills to make real-world marketing decisions. Emphasis on marketing planning and core strategic decisions in marketing, including segmentation, targeting and positioning.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 with a minimum C grade; and minimum 2.000 overall GPA; and marketing major.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 35035     CONSUMER BEHAVIOR      3 Credit Hours

Focus is on the decision-making processes of the individual consumer and the psychological, sociological, cultural and economic factors that influence those choices. Understanding why consumers behave in the way that they do is the heart of the study of consumer behavior and informs the formulation of marketing strategy. Periodically offered as an online course.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 35050     MARKETING RESEARCH      3 Credit Hours

Learn how to formulate research questions, design a study to identify customer needs, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors utilizing existing and new marketing data and analyze the data and communicate the results.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010; and MATH 10041 or BA 24056; and minimum 2.000 overall GPA.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 35056     SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

Explore the various opportunities and risks that social media marketing holds for firms. During the course students will learn about topics such as social media's effect on marketing, creating and managing brand presences on social media, creating and marketing a branded viral video and identifying online influencers.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010; and minimum GPA 2.000; and junior standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 35061     MARKETING ANALYTICS      3 Credit Hours

This course presents an overview of the process of conducting marketing analytics in a business organization. Broadly, this process encompasses distilling management questions into its causes and consequences, determining data requirements, assembling a data set amenable to analysis, model selection, analysis, and the communication of analytics insights. Consequently, marketing analytics is discussed as a rich, data-driven process to visualize, predict and improve business outcomes, and how to think about analysis and how to communicate its results are emphasized.

Prerequisite: MATH 10041 or BA 24056; and a managerial marketing major or marketing major or entrepreneurship major.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45020     COMPETITIVE MARKET ANALYSIS      3 Credit Hours

Course focuses on establishing and maintaining competitive positions in markets through product and pricing strategies driven by industry and competitive analysis. Methods for assessing market potential and forecasting are explored.

Prerequisite: MKTG 35021 and MKTG 35023.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


Increases students' understanding of advertising concepts as well as structure and functions of different "players" within the industry. Integrates marketing and advertising theory with application in advertising decision-making. Periodically offered as an online course.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or BMRT 21050; Not open to Managerial Marketing majors.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45046     PROFESSIONAL SELLING      3 Credit Hours

Introduces students to effective communication, successful selling and persuasion techniques, building customer relationships, ethics, the buying and selling process, and developing professional sales calls.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or BMRT 21050 or MKTG 35035; and not open to managerial marketing majors.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


Builds on the foundation established in Personal Selling and Sales Management (MKTG 45046) by applying sales concepts, participating in live sales calls with Business Partner Company Sales Reps, spending highly focused time in role plays with immediate feedback from the instructors, interacting with guest speakers who are experts in sales, and studying advanced sales and persuasion techniques. Experiential course that requires some flexibility with scheduling for the shadow experiences.

Prerequisite: MKTG 45046 or MMTG 35030 or ENTR 37045; and minimum 2.000 overall GPA.

Schedule Type: Laboratory, Lecture, Combined Lecture and Lab

Contact Hours: 2 lecture, 2 lab

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


(Repeatable for credit) Develops competitive sales skills that will transfer to a professional sales career while learning specific skills to compete in regional, national and international collegiate sales competitions. Experiential course that requires some flexibility with scheduling for the sales competitions and coaching sessions.

Prerequisite: Special approval.

Schedule Type: Seminar

Contact Hours: 1 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45049     SALES FORCE LEADERSHIP      3 Credit Hours

Contemporary sales force management. Emphasis on strategies, sales management responsibilities, skills and management techniques.

Prerequisite: ENTR 37045 or MKTG 45046 or MMTG 35030.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45051     DIGITAL MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

Understand the important and current applications of digital marketing tools and concepts. This course will cover concepts including customer relationship management, user experience, digital advertising and search engine optimization. We will explore why these are valuable tools and apply them to real-world examples.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010; and minimum GPA 2.000; and junior standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45052     SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT      3 Credit Hours

Focuses on the tactical side of sales management with emphasis on persuasive communication and understanding others’ perspectives to reach a “win-win” outcome. Incorporates sales management techniques including effective delegation, team-building and territory management. Students will engage in role playing and simulated selling scenarios.

Prerequisite: MKTG 35035 and MKTG 45046.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45060     INTERNATIONAL MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

Examination of international marketing in terms of global markets and trade. Emphasizes differences among markets caused by geography, politics, economics, culture, commercial policy and trade practices. Periodically offered as an online course.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or BMRT 21050 or MKTG 35035.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45082     SERVICES MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

Provides an integrated understanding of what is required to develop and market a successful service to a chosen target market. Positioning of a service product can be achieved through the “4 Ps” tactics originally used for goods marketing in addition to three new Ps” for services, which include design of the delivery process, recruitment and training of people, and developing appropriate physical evidence. Readings, lectures, tests, and experiential activities are used to develop and assess learning.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010; and minimum 2.000 overall GPA.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


Capstone course for marketing majors. Course deals with marketing policies and strategies with emphasis on managerial decision-making case approach.

Prerequisite: MKTG 35030 with a minimum C grade; and minimum 2.000 overall GPA; and marketing major; and senior standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Attributes: Experiential Learning Requirement, Writing Intensive Course

MKTG 45091     MARKETING SEMINAR      1-4 Credit Hours

(Repeatable for credit)Current topics in marketing. Certain sections of this variable topic seminar may require instructor special approval or have further prerequisites. See current schedule of classes.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or BMRT 21050 or MKTG 35035; and minimum 2.000 overall GPA.

Schedule Type: Seminar

Contact Hours: 1-4 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 45095     SPECIAL TOPICS IN MARKETING      1-4 Credit Hours

(Repeatable for credit) Special Topics in Marketing permits the exploration of topics that are not covered, or not covered in as much depth, in scheduled courses. Credit hours depend on the scope of the project. Specific topics may need to request special approval to register for the course. Special approval may include items such as: minimum GPA, course prerequisites and instructor approval. The course schedule will contain the enrollment requirements for a specific special topics course.

Prerequisite: None.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 1-4 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


(Repeatable for credit) Independent investigation of appropriate problem undertaken by a senior marketing major.

Prerequisite: Special approval.

Schedule Type: Individual Investigation

Contact Hours: 1-6 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


The student will gain firsthand exposure to international businesses and organizations generally relating to business and specifically relating to marketing. The course includes pre-trip orientation sessions, visits to international businesses and organizations, and opportunities for cultural activities.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010; and special approval.

Schedule Type: International Experience

Contact Hours: 9 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Attributes: Diversity Global, Experiential Learning Requirement

MKTG 45192     SALES INTERNSHIP (ELR)      3 Credit Hours

Supervised practical experience in sales with a business. An internship application and faculty approval are needed prior to registration for this course.

Prerequisite: MKTG 45046 or MMTG 35030 or ENTR 37045; and special approval.

Schedule Type: Practical Experience

Contact Hours: 9 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Attributes: Experiential Learning Requirement

MKTG 45292     MARKETING INTERNSHIP (ELR)      3 Credit Hours

Preparation of research report concurrent with on-the-job experience with cooperating business or other organization.

Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or BMRT 21050 or MKTG 35035; and special approval.

Schedule Type: Individual Investigation, Practical Experience

Contact Hours: 9 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Attributes: Experiential Learning Requirement

MKTG 65051     MARKETING MANAGEMENT      2 Credit Hours

Analysis of marketing management at a level appropriate to students with limited background in the subject. The course will include lectures, and will integrate a major experiential component (e.g., a marketing simulation, a client-based project, etc.). Services, global marketing, and legal and ethical issues will be integrated across topic areas.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 2 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 65053     PROMOTION MANAGEMENT      3 Credit Hours

(Slashed with MKTG 75053) All elements of the promotional mix (advertising, sales, promotion, publicity, public relations and personal selling) are considered as part of an integrated communications strategy. Primary emphasis is placed on advertising. A comprehensive set of analytical frameworks are developed, covering a range of topics from the firm's marketing strategy to the message strategy embodied in a single advertisement. These analytic frameworks are applied to a series of case studies throughout the course.

Prerequisite: MKTG 65051; and graduate standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 65054     INTERNATIONAL MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

Course focuses on the types of marketing decisions facing the international marketing manager or vice president in the multinational firm.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 65057     MARKETING RESEARCH      3 Credit Hours

(Slashed with MKTG 75057) Examination of the research process as applied to decision making. Course focuses on steps in problem formulation the research process application of techniques and basis data analysis using SPSS-PC.

Prerequisite: MKTG 65051; and graduate standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


(Slashed with MKTG 65050) Analysis and application of the key elements of both entrepreneurship (new business starts) and entrepreneurship in existing companies.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing; and special approval.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 75051     MARKETING MANAGEMENT      3 Credit Hours

(Slashed with MKTG 65051) Analysis of marketing management at a level appropriate to students with limited background in the subject. Course encompasses lecture discussion problems and cases.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 75053     PROMOTION MANAGEMENT      3 Credit Hours

(Slashed with MKTG 65053) All elements of the promotional mix (advertising, sales, promotion, publicity, public relations and personal selling) are considered as part of an integrated communications strategy. Primary emphasis is placed on advertising. A comprehensive set of analytical frameworks are developed, covering a range of topics from the firm's marketing strategy to the message strategy embodied in a single advertisement. These analytic frameworks are applied to a series of case studies throughout the course.

Prerequisite: MKTG 75051; and doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 75057     MARKETING RESEARCH      3 Credit Hours

(Slashed with MKTG 65057) Examination of the research process as applied to decision making. Course focuses on steps in problem formulation, the research process, application of techniques, and basis data analysis using SPSS-PC.

Prerequisite: MKTG 65051 or 75051; and doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 85057     RESEARCH DESIGN      3 Credit Hours

Focuses on the construction of a conceptual framework; the design of an experiment sampling plan data collection methods and the application of statistical techniques.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Seminar

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 85060     MARKETING STRATEGY      3 Credit Hours

Examines important topics in marketing management and strategy such as brand equity, competition, channel management, market orientation, product innovation, customer satisfaction and their impact on financial outcomes in the areas of business-to-consumer and business-to-business.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter


Application of multivariant statistical techniques in marketing research.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter-IP

MKTG 85064     BUYER BEHAVIOR      3 Credit Hours

An analysis of extant and emerging theories, models and concepts of buyer consumer behavior and their development and testing.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Seminar

Contact Hours: 3 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 85066     MARKETING THEORY      3 Credit Hours

The central objective of the course is to develop the doctoral student's background in marketing theory, theory construction and the creation of marketing knowledge.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Lecture

Contact Hours: 3 lecture

Grade Mode: Standard Letter-IP

MKTG 85074     CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY      3 Credit Hours

Analysis of extant and emerging theories, models and concepts in Consumer Psychology. The course provides coverage of classic and current research related to cognitive and affective processing and their impact on marketing-related outcomes.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Seminar

Contact Hours: 3 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 85098     RESEARCH IN MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

(Repeatable for credit) Designed to assist students in developing dissertation topics or to provide an opportunity to study material or topic not covered elsewhere in the program.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Research

Contact Hours: 3 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MKTG 85191     SEMINAR IN MARKETING      3 Credit Hours

(Repeatable for a maximum of 6 credit hours) This course is designed to provide doctoral students with a broad exposure to a current and substantive topic area in marketing. This course will expose students to classic and new ideas, help them critically analyze these ideas, and provide them with the opportunity to relate these ideas to their own research interests.

Prerequisite: Doctoral standing.

Schedule Type: Seminar

Contact Hours: 3 other

Grade Mode: Standard Letter