About This Program
Take your music conducting skills to the next level with our Master of Music degree. Designed for teachers of music ensemble programs, professional church musicians and pre-professionals, our program prepares you for a career in high school or college teaching, conducting positions or doctoral studies. Read more...
Contact Information
Program Delivery
Examples of Possible Careers and Salaries*
Art, drama, and music teachers, postsecondary
- 5.6% faster than the average
- 116,300 number of jobs
- $69,690 potential earnings
Music directors and composers
- 1.7% slower than the average
- 58,000 number of jobs
- $52,250 potential earnings
National Association of Schools of Music
* Source of occupation titles and labor data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook. Data comprises projected percent change in employment over the next 10 years; nation-wide employment numbers; and the yearly median wage at which half of the workers in the occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less.
For more information about graduate admissions, visit the graduate admission website. For more information on international admissions, visit the international admission website.
Admission Requirements
- Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university
- Minimum 2.750 undergraduate GPA on a 4.000-point scale
- Official transcript(s)
- Résumé
- Goal statement(s)
- Three letters of recommendation
- Audition
- English language proficiency - all international students must provide proof of English language proficiency (unless they meet specific exceptions to waive) by earning one of the following:1
- Minimum 71 TOEFL iBT score
- Minimum 6.0 IELTS score
- Minimum 50 PTE score
- Minimum 100 DET score
Application Deadlines
- Fall Semester
- Spring Semester
- Summer Term
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the program will be able to:
- Recognize, identify, interpret and conduct representative literature from different historical periods, countries and composers.
- Demonstrate and apply advanced conducting techniques, including baton technique, use of hands/arms, facial expressions and body language.
- Plan and execute an efficient and productive rehearsal, including managing time, setting achievable goals, detecting and correcting errors and providing motivation and inspiration for expressive performance and focused work ethic.
- Utilize and discuss score study techniques such as keyboard score reading, transposition of instruments, instrumental/vocal score order, compositional structure, analysis of chord and melodic structures and audiation skills.
- Identify, explain and utilize performance pedagogy appropriate to the specific vocal or instrumental area of study.
- Identify, associate, differentiate and utilize performance practices appropriate to the literature of the various stylistic periods.
- Display interpretation and expression in music through discussion in conducting lessons, explanation in rehearsals and demonstration in rehearsal and performance settings through conducting gestures and the resulting musical product.
Full Description
The Master of Music degree in Conducting is designed for current teachers of middle, junior and senior high school music ensemble programs; for professional church musicians; and for pre-professionals, including students continuing after completing undergraduate degrees. The program prepares post-undergraduate students for such paths as high school or college teaching, conducting positions and doctorates in conducting.
The M.M. degree in Conducting emphasizes development of skills, knowledge and background in the following areas: literature and repertoire; conducting technique; rehearsal technique; score study; choral and/or instrumental performance pedagogy; historical performance practices; interpretation and expression.