University College
Center for Undergraduate Excellence
Kent Campus

Mission of the College

The mission of the University College is to help foster an inclusive environment that empowers all students to explore, engage and succeed.

The college's record of innovation includes 20 national awards, three internationally certified programs and nearly $10 million in grant funding in the past several years.

Initiatives in the University College for students to succeed include the following:

  • Students who regularly attend services offered by the Academic Success Center are 17 percent more likely to return for the next academic year and had a graduation rate 18.9% higher than their classmates.
  • Students who attend Academic Success Center sessions GPA 0.26 points, on average, higher than their classmates.
  • The college's Office of Career Exploration and Development helps our students find on-campus employment, and these students are more likely to earn higher grades and stay in school.
  • Our Career Exploration and Development mantra is “Early and Often” – The results are that first-year students engage in career experiences at the same rate as junior and senior students.
  • Students who participate in the Exploratory Advising Center’s Exploratory Learning Community are nearly 10 percent more likely to return to Kent State compared to their peers.
  • Student Support Services exceeded all Ohio Department of Education performance goals by 10 percent or more.