Undergraduate students not progressing academically in their selected academic program will be deemed not permitted to continue based on criteria established by their program area. The criteria set forth by each program area can be found under the program section of the University Catalog. Students enrolled in a program that has not permitted to continue criteria will be notified upon entrance to the program.

Prior to being deemed not permitted to continue, students will receive a minimum of one warning and will be required to work with an advisor in their academic unit to develop a plan for continuation. The plan will include all actions necessary to continue in current program, the opportunity to declare a different program, a timeline of when actions should occur, and next steps if actions are not followed. Students who have received a warning the previous term will be reviewed during end-of-term processing to determine their status regarding continuation in their current program.

Students deemed ineligible to continue in their current program and who have not identified and declared a different program within two weeks after grades post will be administratively moved to the Degree Pathways Alternatives non-degree program. They also will be removed from all applicable courses in their former major. Students administratively moved to Degree Pathways Alternatives and enrolled at the Kent Campus will receive academic advising in the University College; regional campus students will receive advising in their assigned advising unit.

Students deemed not permitted to continue and who are subsequently enrolled in Degree Pathways Alternatives will not be able to register for courses until they meet with an advisor to complete a new plan for continuation, which will include selecting a degree program at a time specified on the plan. In addition, they will no longer be eligible to receive Federal Title IV or state financial aid until they enroll in a degree-granting program or a federal Title IV aid-eligible certificate program.